A Spacious Place
When we encounter brokenness we have the opportunity, by the grace of God, to allow that brokenness to change our lives...to change those broken parts into splendor. Writing is not a once and done. It is an exercise in doing and undoing. An unraveling of thoughts which somehow flow into words. I'm working on a new thing. It should be simple but it's laborious and I'm struggling. Maybe I should turn Heartland off of Netflix. God continues to place this verse in my path, Psalm 31:8. "And you have not given me over to the hand of the enemy; you have set my feet in a large place." A large place. A safe place. He brought me into a spacious place: ( a large place) he RESCUED ME because he delighted in me. I'm from the South...but, Y'all! He DELIGHTS in us!! Our father in Heaven delights in us. He has brought us to a spacious place and rescued us..simply because He loves.. I can keep working on this project because I know my words are for Him. Â